Visit my etsy shop for laser cut art!
For laser cut art inquiries, send a message for custom orders.
Tacoma Night Market-New Location! Better parking!
|Freighthouse Square
Join us for a monthly gathering of talented artists and makers! Incredible music, great drinks and delicious local food. We host our events at multiple locations each month. You can expect 100+ vendors at each location, with indoor and outdoor booths. Our events are always all ages and free!!

2023年2月25日 18:00 – 2023年2月26日 22:00
Freighthouse Square, 2501 E D St, Tacoma, WA 98421, USA
Join us for a monthly gathering of talented artists and makers! Incredible music, great drinks and delicious local food. We host our events at multiple locations each month. You can expect 100+ vendors at each location, with indoor and outdoor booths. Our events are always all ages and free!!